Course curriculum

  • 1
    Health & Wellness: Introduction
    • Welcome to Health & Wellness!
  • 2
    Meal Prep: Gaining Confidence in Healthy Cooking
    • Introduction
    • Getting Started
    • You Can Do This!
    • Batch Cooking
    • Mix & Match Cooking
    • The Most Important Tip: Keep Trying
    • Include Your Family
    • We All Need Somebody to Lean On
    • Still Feeling Lost?
    • Summary
    • Additional Resources
    • Meal Prep Quiz
  • 3
    It Starts with Sleep: Own Your Day
    • Introduction
    • Identifying Sleep Obstacles
    • Why Sleep Matters
    • The Spill-Over Effect
    • It’s Okay to Make it About You
    • Choose Your Routine
    • Do What You Can
    • Summary
    • Additional Resources
    • It Starts with Sleep Quiz
  • 4
    Movement for Everyday Life
    • Introduction
    • NEAT is Neat
    • Make Exercise Work for YOU
    • Be Nice to Yourself, Mama
    • Summary
    • Additional Resources
    • Movement for Everyday Life Quiz
  • 5
    When You’re Eating Your Emotions
    • Introduction
    • What Is Emotional Eating?
    • Are You An Emotional Eater?
    • The Challenge Of Emotional Eating
    • Tips to Win Against Emotional Eating
    • 6 Tips to Avoid Eating Your Emotions
    • #1: Address The Emotional Trigger
    • #2: Avoid Sugar
    • #3: Swap The Reward
    • #4: Drink Water
    • #5: Stop. Challenge. Choose.
    • #6: Talk To An Expert
    • Summary
    • Additional Resources
    • Emotional Eating Quiz